Cookies Policy


This policy applies to the company "DIACHRON ENTERPRISES LTD", hereinafter referred to as CLEAN i. T.

CLEAN i. T is committed to protecting the personal data collected when you use its Website and the services offered by it. This policy explains what cookies and other similar technologies are, how CLEAN i. T uses them and what you can do to manage them.


For the proper functioning of the Website, we may place small data files called cookies on your device. These allow the Website to remember your actions and preferences for a certain period of time, so that they are not adjusted each time you enter the Website or browse its pages. We want our Website to be usable and as user-friendly as possible and cookies help us to achieve this goal.

These cookies are not strictly necessary for the basic functionality of our Website, but are designed to provide you with a personalised browsing experience. However, you can delete or stop accepting these cookies at any time if you wish. In this case you may lose some of the functionality provided. Cookie-related information is not used to identify you personally or for any other purpose other than as set out in this policy.

The information stored in our website cookies is primarily used by us, with the exception of some third-party cookies. These are used and managed by third-party companies/partners to provide us with services we request in order to improve our services and your browsing experience.


CLEAN i. T follows a policy of transparency and appropriate information to all users about the operation of the cookies on the website and obtains their explicit consent. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies as set out in this policy.

We appreciate that some visitors may wish to control their visit to our website on a personalised basis and adjust their settings accordingly. You can read about personalised control in the section "Controlling Cookies" below. If you do not agree to this use, please refrain from using the website.

You can easily accept or object to this use of our Website cookies by following one of the links below:

I accept the use of cookies / I do not accept the use of cookies (*) / Personalisation of preferences

(*) You can only refuse to accept cookies that are not strictly necessary. Some cookies are necessary as they allow us to provide certain functions, such as remembering your preferences in cookies. Other cookies help us to collect statistics on the use of our website, to assess how well we are meeting users' needs and to make necessary improvements.


Cookies are small text files that are stored by your browser (for example, Internet Explorer or Safari) on your computer or mobile phone. They allow websites to store information such as user preferences. Each website sends its own cookies to your browser, if your browser settings allow it. To protect your privacy, your browser only allows your browser to access cookies from the websites that originally placed them. Cookies essentially act as a "memory" for the Website, so that the Website can recognize you when you return and respond appropriately.

Websites mainly use cookies to :

identify their users,

"remember" the customized preferences of their users,

help their users to complete their tasks without having to re-enter information when browsing from one page to another or when visiting the Website afterwards

Cookies can also be used for so-called behavioral target advertising on the internet and to show ads related to something the user has searched for in the past.


The "web server" providing the Website may store a cookie on the user's computer or mobile device. An external "web server" which manages the files included or referred to on the Website is also able to store cookies. All these cookies are called "http header cookies". Another way of storing cookies is through the JavaScript code contained or referenced in this Website.

Each time the user requests a new web page, the "web server" can take the cookie values previously set and return the page with content related to those values. Similarly, JavaScript code is able to read a cookie belonging to its domain and perform a similar action.


Cookies can be classified according to their lifetime and the sector to which they belong. According to their lifetime, cookies are either:

session cookies which are deleted when the user closes the browser or

persistent cookies which remain on the user's computer/device for a predetermined period of time.

As for the domain to which they belong, there are either:

first-party cookies which are set by the web server of the page and share the domain.

third-party cookies which are stored from a different domain in the domain of the visited page. This can happen when the website refers to a file, such as JavaScript, that are located outside the domain.


The cookies used by our Website are linked to the personal data you enter when you create your account, only when you are logged in and to your IP address.

Strictly necessary cookies : these cookies are necessary in order to allow you to navigate the Website and use its functionalities, such as navigation in secure areas. Without these cookies, services such as shopping cart or billing cannot be provided.

Performance cookies : these cookies collect information about how visitors use the Website, such as which pages they visit most often and whether error messages are displayed to users. These cookies do not collect information capable of identifying a user as they collect mainly aggregate information. They are mainly used to determine how the Website works.

Functionality cookies : These cookies remember user choices such as language or search parameters such as size, color or product line. This information allows the user to enjoy an experience more compatible with their choices when visiting our Website and helps us to make their visits more enjoyable.

Orientation cookies : These cookies collect information about browsing habits in order to create advertisements related to the user's interests or other useful analyses. They remember the pages the user has visited and the information that has been shared with third parties, such as advertisements. Most types of these cookies follow users by IP address, so they can collect some personal information about them. These cookies are usually third-party persistent cookies that are placed with the permission of the Website administrator, but are kept for a limited period of time and contain unique features that make browsing preferences identifiable. Our Web Site uses only trusted partners to serve advertising and analytics purposes (such as Google, Sendgrid, Meta).


It is possible that you may stop accepting cookies from your browser or stop accepting cookies from a particular website. However, these options may cause some services provided by various websites to malfunction if not used correctly.

All modern browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. You can usually find these settings in your browser's Options or Preferences menu. To understand these settings, the links below may be useful, or you can use the Help option in your browser for more details.

Ø Cookie settings in Internet Explorer

Ø Cookie settings in Firefox

Ø Cookie settings in Chrome

Ø Cookie settings in Safari web


If you want to learn more about cookies, how to disable them and use them online, you can find the following links useful:

Ø Your online choices

Ø Cookies Guide Microsoft

Ø All About Cookies

If you have any questions about how cookies are used or how your settings are respected, then please contact us at hello@thecleanitapp. com